Casey McMullen
Vice President, Innovation and Technology
Casey is a tech geek and software developer that enjoys leading talented teams of developers to build exciting web-based products that people love to use. He spent a number of years leading development teams at Freeman creating products for live and online events. Casey has spent the last couple of years with his own software startups, before returning to the Freeman family of companies and joining CDS.
Who inspires you?
I am inspired by down to earth, genuine people who do great things simply because they need to be done. This includes everything from people who make a difference with company and client culture to people who simply return their empty shopping carts to the parking lot cart return.
What do you like best about your job?
Working with amazing people who want to take on the challenge of laying down a new technology future that delights our customers and keeps CDS at the top of the industry.
Who is your hero?
My Dad. During his life he jumped out of airplanes during WWII, was a bartender, logger, hunting guide, rancher and farmer. He taught me how to fish, camp, ride a horse, how to drive and how to achieve anything else I wanted to do. I strive to be half the man my Dad was.